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Somalia and Ethiopia Reach Agreement to Fully Reestablish Diplomatic Relations

MOGADISHU, Somalia — In a heartwarming twist, Somalia and Ethiopia have made a pact to patch things up. They're bringing the band back together by reinstating full-on diplomatic representation in each other's capitals. It's not just talk; they've etched it down in a joint communiqué that made its grand debut on Thursday. Now, if you were glued to last year’s soap opera of international relations, you'd recall that Somalia gave the boot to two Ethiopian diplomats, including the head honcho himself, Addis Ababa's ambassador.…

Somalia and Ethiopia Come to an Agreement to Fully Restore Diplomatic Relations

Somalia and Ethiopia: A Diplomatic Tale of Two Cities ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — In a plot twist worthy of the theater, Somalia and Ethiopia have shaken hands and declared a one-act play of renewed diplomacy. As of Thursday, a statement was released that read like a joyous invitation to rekindle their washed-out relationship, promising full diplomatic representation in each other's capitals, where once there was only a hint of a cold shoulder. Just last year, things took a nosedive when Somalia…

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