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French diplomacy wants peaceful elections?

Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian heard from the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly on Wednesday and reacted to Alassane Ouattara's candidacy before also giving his opinion on the situation in Cameroon. Communist Deputy Jean-Paul Lecoq first asked the Foreign Minister what France's position was on Alassane Ouattara's candidacy. Response from Jean-Yves Le Drian: “Me, I am not responsible for assessing the new constitution for Côte d'Ivoire. That would really be interference. And you know very well, Mr Lecoq,…

Benin suspended from list of “safe countries of origin”

This decision was taken in late September by the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons, which regulates asylum applications in France, and was published on Tuesday. According to the President of Ofpra, it is motivated by "the situation of public and political freedoms in this country". The organization believes that Benin no longer meets the definition of these "safe…

money stolen from a central bank in Benghazi found in France

A French couple were arrested in early October in the Limoges with 20,000 euros in moldy banknotes in their possession. Banknotes coming from shares plundered at Benghazi's central bank in Libya in late 2017. At that time, the city center, where the establishment is located, was taken from the Islamists by the forces of Khalifa Haftar. And witnesses accuse the son of the strong man from the eastern part of the country of having seized this liquidity flowing from Europe. By the end of 2017, the center of Benghazi was still…

What about the rest of the artwork recovery process?

Deputies passed the bill on the return of works of art in Benin and Senegal. But will there be other projects of this type in the coming months? Six countries on the continent have so far made requests. The government can rub hands. The text was not only voted on by deputies, it was adopted almost unanimously after 2 hours of peaceful debate. Almost everyone praised the initiative. Senators, in turn, were to follow suit in early November. The Director wants this text to be finally adopted before the end of the year.…

The Guillaume Soro case was sent to the prosecutor for trial

The Guillaume Soro case, in which he is accused of trying to undermine state authority, will be sent to the Attorney General for trial. From our correspondent in Abidjan The former president of the National Assembly in exile in France for nine months is the subject of an arrest warrant for conspiracy and attempted attack on state authority. Prosecutor Richard Adou announced Tuesday, Oct. 6, that the case Guillaume Soro and about 20 of his relatives will be referred to the Attorney General for trial in the criminal…

Son of French hostages speaks to FRANCE 24

Sebastian Chadaud-Petronin, son of kidnapped aid worker Sophie Petronin, flew to the Malian capital Bamako on Tuesday before her possible release. He told FRANCE 24 that the family remains cautious about the news. Petronin, who is in his 70s, was released along with Malian opposition leader Cisse in exchange for the release of many suspected Islamist rebels by the Malian authorities, three sources told Reuters on Monday. Malian and French authorities have neither confirmed nor denied that Sophie Petronin and abducted…

Patrice Bouveret: “French nuclear waste in Algeria still exists”

Between 1960 and 1966, France conducted 17 nuclear tests in the Algerian Sahara. More than half a century later, the waste is still there, and the question of the consequences of these tests remains unanswered. This is stated in a forum of representatives of the Armaments Observatory and ICAN France (the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons). They call on France to address this crucial…

The economy at the heart of Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta’s visit to France

The Kenyan head of state is accompanied by five of his ministers for this visit dedicated to economic cooperation. He attended the conference of the Public Investment Bank, the institution responsible for promoting French companies abroad, along with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron on Thursday morning. The two heads of state took the opportunity to discuss the economic opportunities that bind them, despite the global health crisis. And it was a rather determined Uhuru Kenyatta who appeared on the conference stage.…

French justice validates the surrender of Félicien Kabuga to international justice

The Paris Court of Cassation on Wednesday, September 30, validated the surrender of the alleged Rwandan genocide Félicien Kabuga to international justice. France therefore now has one month to hand it over to the MTPI (Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals). The Court of Cassation finally rejected the appeal introduced by the lawyers from Félicien Kabuga to avoid this transfer. The alleged Rwandan genocide will therefore be handed over to international justice. She thus confirms the decision taken in June last…

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