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Sudan Conflict: Amnesty Criticizes Influx of Foreign Arms

Amnesty International Demands Arms Embargo for Sudan Amnesty International Demands Arms Embargo for Sudan Amid the chaos still ravaging the nation, Amnesty International implored the UN on July 25, 2024, to broaden the arms embargo from Darfur to encompass all of Sudan. This plea underscores the dire need to halt the influx of weapons and ammunition into a country besieged by a brutal conflict between opposing factions. Hostilities have been ongoing since April 15, 2023, leaving the region…

Tanzania’s President Dismisses Foreign Minister Amid Significant Cabinet Overhaul

Tanzania’s President Ousts Foreign Minister in Sweeping Cabinet Shakeup Tanzania’s head honcho has given the boot to the foreign minister during a colossal Cabinet overhaul. President Samia Suluhu Hassan made this move to jolt the government machinery and perhaps dish out fresh energy to her administration. By axing the foreign minister, she aims for an administration revamp that signals no-nonsense governance. In a statement that shook the corridors of power, President Hassan explained her decision stemmed from a need for…

Cyanide Suspected in the Deaths of Six Foreign Nationals at Bangkok Hotel

Cyanide Poisoning Suspected in Deaths of Six Foreigners at Bangkok Hotel Thai authorities believe cyanide poisoning caused the deaths of six foreigners found lifeless in a swanky Bangkok hotel room. Among the deceased at the plush Grand Hyatt Erawan was the presumed perpetrator. The lethal agent—cyanide—was discovered on drinking glasses and a teapot in the room. Conversations with the victims' relatives divulged a debt-related squabble linked to an investment dispute. Among the six victims were Vietnamese nationals,…

Turkish Foreign Minister Participates in Joint Working Group Session in Niger

Turkish Foreign Minister Engages in Collaborative Group Session in Niger "Turkey's top diplomat recently joined a cooperative assembly in Niger," said one official. This crucial gathering aimed to fortify bilateral ties between the two nations, ushering in a new era of collaboration and mutual growth. Niger, a key player in West Africa, hosted the meeting. The two countries discussed a series of important topics ranging from economic partnerships to security concerns. Both sides conveyed their willingness to deepen…

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is “an accomplice in the torture of a Briton in Somalia”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is "an accomplice in the torture of a Briton in Somalia" LONDON - A British citizen has claimed to have been tortured in Somalia and questioned by US intelligence agents, fearing that controversial post-9/11 “war on terror” practices are still being used. The 45-year-old from London alleges he suffered a balaclava, sensory deprivation and waterboarding at the…

Ethiopia targets international media in Tigray battle

Ethiopia targets foreign media in Tigray conflict NAIROBI, Kenya - The Ethiopian government has now turned its attention to foreign media, which it accuses of spreading hatred and disinformation, amid the ongoing conflict in the Tigray region, where the federal army has carried out an operation targeting the Popular Front. Liberation of Tigray. . Media regulators have accused anonymous foreign…

progress in withdrawing foreign forces

A second conference on Libya was held again on Wednesday in Berlin, 18 months after the previous one, with some twenty countries and international organizations, including the transitional government, in place since the spring in Tripoli. Two goals were on the menu, the election scheduled for the end of December and the withdrawal of foreign forces. In this second file, progress has been announced.…

Somalia: in the failure of Farmajo’s foreign policy

Somalia: in the failure of Farmajo's foreign policy NAIROBI, Kenya - Building strong foreign ties with neighbors is one of the approaches that allows nations to survive for a long time or even expand cooperation and improve their socio-economic and geopolitical stability. Countries have good foreign policies for sustainability. A nation with sound foreign policies continues to thrive. However,…

Al-Shabaab overseas fighters killed in newest SNA crackdown

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Dozens of al-Shabaab fighters have been killed in recent weeks following Somali National Army operation under the leadership of the Chief of Defense Forces, General Yusuf Rageh Odowaa. The operation was primarily aimed at Moyen-Shebelle in central Somalia and was widely hailed as "successful" by several SNA commanders who participated in the exercise. This is not the first time the military has targeted Al-Shabaab in central Somalia. During the operation, state media reported, dozens of Al-Shabaab…

Somali president in closed door meeting with international diplomats

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Outgoing Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo convened a closed-door meeting with foreign diplomats on Saturday at the Afisyonie tent at Mogadishu airport. Sources close to Villa Somalia said Farmajo went to the venue early in the morning to hold talks with international partners five days after Parliament in the lower house extended its mandate by two years, a move the Senate rejected as unconstitutional. Axadlesources revealed that the foreign diplomats are making a final effort to convince…

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