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the regulars on the dance flooring enterprise into

For greater than a yr, Congo-Brazzaville has taken vital steps to fight the coronavirus, which has already affected greater than 11,000 folks, most of whom have been declared cured. Among the many measures is the closure of nightclubs. However they open up secretly. Their tenants say they will now not deal with the disaster and clients are usually not afraid of the virus.…

The floor price of $ 250 per pound of vanilla continues to be controversial

In July last year, in order to stabilize vanilla prices and ensure a fair income, the government decided to use price fixing for the second time in a row by introducing a minimum selling price of USD 250. the kilo of vanilla ready for export. Ten days ago, despite the prayer of many historical exporters, who in the face of the lack of sales hoped that this tariff would be abandoned, the Prime Minister…

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