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Ansar Allah’s Influence Grows in Somalia: Dhows, Drones, and Dollars

In the intricate landscape of global geopolitics, seemingly unlikely alliances often emerge, united by common adversaries. In this case, Yemen’s Ansar Allah, more commonly known as the Houthis, and their primary benefactor, Iran, have formed pragmatic links with non-state actors like Somalia's al-Shabab and the Islamic State in Somalia (ISS). While their ideologies and objectives may diverge significantly, their shared hostility toward countries such as the United States and Israel provides common ground. Considering the…

Mastercard offers AU $ 1.3 billion dollars

The announcement was made on Tuesday in New York. This is the largest private donation for the purchase of anticovid vaccine to date. The money will be handled by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, set up by the African Union. Less than 2% of the continent's population has received a dose of the vaccine. We are…

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