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Trump Attributes Declining Air Safety Standards to Diversity Initiatives

In the wake of a tragic mid-air collision in Washington, US President Donald Trump expressed sorrow for the nation while attributing blame to the diversity policies implemented during the administrations of Barack Obama and Joe Biden. The incident involved a military helicopter colliding with a passenger jet, leading to widespread devastation. “I prioritize safety,” Mr. Trump asserted at a somber news conference. “On the other hand, Obama, Biden, and the Democrats have prioritized policy decisions that overlook competence.”…

New Executive Orders Aimed at Shaping Diversity within the U.S. Military

In a significant policy shift, former President Donald Trump, while en route from Miami to Washington, D.C., authorized several executive orders aimed at overhauling military regulations related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). One of the foremost directives seeks to repeal DEI initiatives within the armed forces, reinstating thousands of troops who had been dismissed for resisting the Covid-19 vaccination during the pandemic. Additionally, the orders take a direct stance against the inclusion of transgender…

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