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Shabeellaha Dhexe : Cudurka Gowracatada oo ka dilaacay iyo dad u geeriyooday

 Jimco, Luulyo, 26, 2024 (AX) - Wararka ka imaanaya gobolka Shabeellaha dhexe ayaa sheegaya in deegaano ka tirsan gobolkaas uu la dilaacay cudur magaciisa lagu sheegay Gowracato.Cudurkaan Gowracatada ayaa lasoo wariyay iney u geeriyoodeen laba ruux, islamarkaana ay haatan la ildaran yihiin in ka badan 20 ruux oo kale, sida uu warbaahinta u xaqiijiyay Wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Soomaaliya."Cudurkaan Calaamadaha lagu garan karo waxa ka mid ah in uu dhuunta xiro qofka oo wax ka dadagi wayaan, qandho, iyo…

Fashion “dad” in Africa, designer Pathé’O

If African fashion is currently having great success around the world, Pathé'O and all the young African designers they have supported in recent years point out that the road to this success has not always been easy. From our correspondent in Abidjan,Hidden in one of hundreds of alleys in the working-class district of…

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