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Three Rwandan genocide suspects arrested in Belgium, prosecutors say

Three men suspected of being involved in the 1994 Rwandan genocide have been arrested and charged in Belgium with serious human rights abuses, prosecutors said on Saturday. The office gave no details about the three, but said their identity had been established using testimony collected in Rwanda by a Belgian investigation. "Two were arrested on Tuesday in Brussels and the third on Wednesday in Hainault (province)," said Eric Van Duyse, a spokesman for the Belgian Federal Prosecutor's Office. "All three have been…

three Rwandans arrested in Belgium

Three Rwandans were arrested in Belgium. This information from the Belgian newspaper Le Vif was confirmed by the Federal Prosecutor's Office. Arrests in connection with the 1994 genocide investigation in Rwanda that had claimed 800,000 victims, mostly Tutsis. These arrests took place on Tuesday and Wednesday in Brussels and in the province of Hainaut. According to the federal prosecutor's office, these three people were wanted for "serious violations of international humanitarian law". These are two separate, but very…

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