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the battle for the Ceni presidency is worrying

In the DRC, the struggle for the chairmanship of the independent national election commission worries civil society. Many associations announce the National Assembly. In a statement released yesterday Friday, 116 organizations claiming to be "social forces" are calling for a plenary session of the National Assembly to be convened within 72 hours of Monday.…

After the battle, ISIS captured a key area in the northeastern state of Somalia

Northeastern State - In what may be the first major attack on the Somali authorities, ISSomalia extremists captured a strategicallyimportantcity inthe north-eastof the state on Wednesday, a move that could spark bitter fighting with security forces in the region known for peace and stability. Somali extremists have captured the city of Balidhidin in the Bari region, making it the first city to fall into the hands of militants whose presence in the north-east of the state has increased according to analysts. Most of the…

Zambians vote in a fierce presidential battle

The Zambians made their ballots in crowded polling stations until the closing time of the country's general election. While the day of the vote was largely peaceful, President Edgar Lungu said at least two people were killed, including the chairman of his party in the northwestern province.…

a battle plan shot down by “bandits” does

For the first time since the phenomenon appeared in 2011, "heavily armed" bandits shot down a Nigerian fighter jet on Sunday (July 18). The incident took place in western Nigeria, a new hearth for insecurity in the region. "This incident shows that conflict, banditry and terrorism have taken on a new dimension," said former Senator Shehu Sani, after the bandits, as…

Turkish-trained troopers graduate in Somalia amid ongoing battle

Turkish-trained soldiers graduate in Somalia amid ongoing battle MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia welcomed another contingent of Gorgor's troops on Sunday after successfully completing their training at the Turkish-run military school in Somalia, as the country bolsters its troops in the fight against al-Shabaab militants. Turkey is one of Somalia's security partners and has worked hard to ensure…

“Intellectuals in the forefront of the battle

On June 30, South Africa commemorates the official abolition thirty years ago of all the segregationist laws introduced by the racist regime when it came to power in 1948. The triumph of multi-party democracy is the result of the struggle of political activists but also of intellectuals and writers. Return with the author Ivan Vladislavic on the opposition of intellectuals to apartheid.…

Ethiopian troops raised flags in Somalia earlier than the battle

BAIDOA, Somalia - Ethiopia's National Defense Forces gathered in several parts of the southwest and raised flags before the planned battle with Al-Shabaab militants, who still control large parts of the countryside in central and southern Somalia, as the military works hard to liberate many cities. ENDF troops are key security stakeholders in the Horn of Africa and have been associated with the liberation of key areas, which were once under the linked al-Qaeda group that controls internal parts of the country. The…

France welcomes “Battle of Little Massive”

"The Battle of the Little Massive Horn", a monumental work by Senegalese artist Ousmane Sow, who died in 2016, is presently at sea on the street between Senegal and France. This group of 35 statues represents the victory of the American Indians in opposition to the USA Military in 1876. After a primary exhibition on the Pont des Arts in Paris in 1999, these gigantic items are banished once more to France…

uncertainty arises after the start of the Battle of Mekele

On Thursday, November 26, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed launched hostilities against Mekele, the provincial capital of Tigray, which he wants to take back from the TPLF. 24 hours later, impossible to know more because the province is still subject to a telecommunications block. We do not know about the progress of the fighting that is threatening 500,000 people in Mekele.…

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