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Violent Conflict Breaks Out in Bardale District, Multiple Injuries and Deaths Documented

In Baidoa, a violent clash between Southwest State Darwish forces and clan militia in Bardale district left many casualties. Residents reported fierce fighting after militia attacked army positions. The attacking militia had been ousted by security forces last month. This recent attack came after failed peace talks. Last month, Somali police in Southwest State removed ten illegal checkpoints in Bardale, where militias extorted money from vehicles and locals.

Brave Somali Troops Wounded in Bold al-Shabab Attack in Bardale: A First-Hand Account

In Bardale, Bay region, al-Shabab militants ambushed government soldiers, leaving three wounded. The Bay region police commander revealed that the attack was thwarted, thanks to a timely intelligence warning. Fortunately, no fatalities occurred, and the military is now on a hunt for the attackers. The Southwest security minister has been present in Bardale recently to eliminate unauthorized checkpoints in the area.

Somali Authorities Dismantle Ten Unauthorized Checkpoints in the Bardale District of Southwest State

In Baidoa, Somali law enforcement in the Southwest region eliminated ten unauthorized checkpoints in the Bardale area of Bay. Militias had been extorting money from vehicles and locals. Amin Madruur, commander of the Bay regional police station in Bardale, stressed a zero-tolerance policy towards checkpoints and promised strong action against offenders. Southwest administration's Security Minister, Hassan Abdukadir Mohamed, visited Bardale to deal with the illegal checkpoints issue, considering the clearance as a successful…

Federal lawmakers denounce brutal slaying of tribal leader in Bardale and point fingers at Laftagareen for accountability

In a bold move, MP Mohamed Abukar accused Abdiaziz Laftagareen, the president of the South West Administration, of masterminding the attack on Malaaq's home in Bardale. Abukar condemned the violent incident as a flagrant violation of Somali and governmental standards. He alleged that Laftagareen had morphed his administration into a militant group, inflicting immense hardship on the people of Bardale. This aggressive action threatens to escalate the already precarious situation in the troubled district of Bardale, located…

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