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Djibouti Denies Ethiopia’s Complete Authority over Tadjoura Port, Proposes Collaborative Management Agreement

Djibouti Denies Ethiopia's Total Control Over Tadjoura Port, Proposes Joint Management Agreement Djibouti is adamantly opposed to granting Ethiopia complete oversight of Tadjoura Port, instead suggesting a partnership arrangement. The Tadjoura Port, a $60 million investment by Djibouti, is currently grappling with high operational expenditures, particularly concerning staff salaries. Youssouf has underscored the government’s ambition to transform this port into a bustling commercial center. This strategic move aims…

the electoral authority happy with

In the Central African Republic, Sunday's legislative elections took place peacefully. There was no major security issue that many feared. Of the 118 constituencies called to vote in the second round or in the partial one - which were prevented from voting on December 27 - 112 were able to vote correctly. as reported from…

the director of the Airways Authority accused of embezzlement

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Abdallah Bilenge, Director General of the Airways Authority (RVA), was arrested on 10 November. He has since been held in Makala Central Prison in Kinshasa. He is accused of embezzling tens of millions of dollars. This money should be paid specifically to certain socio-professional services such as the National Social Security Fund (CNSS), according to legal…

the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority on all fronts

The Financial Supervisory Authority is on all hot topics: pay officials, exemptions, responses to Covid-19, Go pass, Bukanda Lonzo ... This institution, which relies on the Presidency of the Republic, is currently carrying out 34 control missions, including 26 in Kinshasa . However, it only has about forty inspectors still active. IGF has not recruited for thirty years. But, and this is a small revolution, with the support of the firm Price Waterhouse Cooper, it must in the coming weeks recruit about sixty inspectors.…

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