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Sixty years after the Évian agreements, the war in Algeria leaves painful traces

It's been exactly six decades since the ink was signed on the Evian Accords, an agreement aimed at ending a nearly eight-year conflict that has claimed the lives of more than 300,000 Algerians. But France is still struggling to come to terms with its colonial and wartime heritage in Algeria. We are joined for Perspective by historian Jim House, senior lecturer and research director for French at the University of Leeds in the UK.

The UN “quite optimistic” about a lasting ceasefire after a series of agreements

This is a major step forward in the joint military talks in Geneva two days after the start of a face-to-face meeting between representatives of two warring parties in Libya: the Government of National Unity (Tripoli) and the Libyan National Army (Benghazi). Agreements have been reached to address the very difficult situation of civilians. It is an agreement in six specific points which, once implemented, will make the daily lives of Libyans less difficult. These points were recorded at a press conference held on…

Kenyan president of France to finalize key economic agreements

The Kenyan president arrives in Paris for a five-day visit to France. A business-oriented move. The head of state, accompanied by five ministers, attends a conference for the public investment bank, meets with French employers and signs contracts. Uhuru Kenyatta is accompanied by a strong delegation of ministers and is expected to attend several economic events. A conference at the headquarters of BPI France, the institution responsible for promoting French companies abroad, but also a meeting in Medef, the French…

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