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a plague on the economies of the African continent

Corruption, smuggling, tax evasion ... Capital flight would represent $ 88 billion a year in lost earnings for the continent. An estimate from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Unctad. According to the UN, the capital flight on the continent would represent $ 88 billion, but since this is illegal practice, it is an estimate. A rather low estimate even indicates Unctad. These $ 88 billion lost to African countries more or less represent what the continent receives each year if we add official…

Internet interruptions during exams affect the economy

Authorities ordered the disconnection of 3G during the patent tests from Monday to Wednesday. No internet between 8 and at. 12 and in the evening between kl. 15 and at 19 universal time. According to the government, the measure is aimed at combating fraud, but the measure seriously affects economic activities across the country. Ahmed, in his thirties, manages a small money transfer agency between Nouakchott and the interior regions. Since Monday, its activities have stopped: "Due to internet shutdown, I had important…

Algae lawyers strike for independent justice

Since then, I believe that for more than a year, there have been hundreds of lawsuits against militants, activists, journalists, without these activists or these militants having committed offenses punishable by Algerian criminal law. It is only that they expressed themselves over Hirak, the management of the country's affairs. It is for this reason that there have been a lot of lawsuits, there are dozens and dozens of Algerians sitting in prisons for having expressed an opinion. And we, the lawyers, felt unable to do…

opponent Maurice Kamto condemns “a de facto house arrest”

For a week, police have been deployed around the residence of the leader of the MRC. His party called for a protest against the Paul Biya regime in Cameroon last Tuesday. Demonstrations that mobilized an impressive security system despite the low turnout. Dozens of police and gendarme filters around the residence of Maurice Kamto day and night. In order to enter, a request must be made to the authorities. And until now Maurice Kamto claims not to have received any official notification from justice to explain the…

Abortion is an ‘obstacle course’ for women in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Every day, an estimated 400 women perform unsafe abortions in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. FRANCE 24 spoke with members of the NGO Afia Mama, which provides psychological, medical and legal support to women seeking abortion. Although the DRC has signed and ratified the Maputo Protocol, which allows women to terminate a pregnancy in the event of rape or if it threatens their health, Congolese criminal law continues to prohibit abortions. "The fact that the law is inconsistent means that the…

why ECOWAS has not yet lifted its embargo

The president of the transition, Bah N'Daw, his prime minister, the diplomat Moctar Ouane, and the vice president, Colonel Assimi Goïta, met on Monday, September 28, in Bamako to discuss the tasks that await them over the next 18 months. But they must first face a problem: the embargo imposed on Mali by ECOWAS has not yet been lifted despite the appointment of a civilian prime minister. Bamako has not yet officially responded non-lifting of the embargo issued by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).…

postal strike disrupts money transfer and parcel service

With the claim of the best working conditions, the agents of the Congo Post and Savings Company (SOPECO) begin this Tuesday, September 29, the second week of their indefinite general strike, which particularly paralyzes money transfer and receipt. and sending packages. "Unlimited general strike, stay home!" These writings, posted at all entrances to the postal services, well padlocked, welcome users like Ulrich Malonga, who cannot withdraw the money sent to him from abroad in this agency, which is placed in the main…

the strike call suspended during the negotiations

Demonstrations to be held on Monday 28 September in Nigeria to protest the rise in fuel and electricity prices did not finally take place. After a day of negotiations in Abuja on Sunday, the Nigerian Labor Congress finally agreed to suspend the social movement for two weeks, time to continue negotiations with the government, which in turn promised to freeze labor market prices. 'electricity. Nigeria is one of the most failing countries in the world when it comes to electricity supply. The partial privatization of the…

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