voters or not, the displaced people of Kaya put their hopes in the vote

The campaign continues in Burkina Faso with a view to the presidential and legislative elections on Sunday 22 November. According to the UN, the country has about one million displaced people, of which almost half (more than 400,000) currently live in the north-central region, the Kaya region, about 100 kilometers from the capital. They will be able to vote where they are … but not all. Reportage.

With our special correspondent in Kaya, Carine Frenk

Sector 6, east of Kaya. It is there, in a small house, that four widows came from the village of Dablo, 100 km further north. They all have small children, and they all have a bit of the same story. There are Zenabo, Kotim, Habibou and even Fati. “It was a Sunday,” she says. It was nine o’clock, I was out in the field cultivating. My husband came and asked me to get him a cup of coffee. When I returned, about twenty men had landed out of nowhere. My husband tried to escape. They chased him and killed him. now you can imagine what my life is like. “

Of course, everyday life is always difficult, she says. “The problem is the lack of money. To earn a little I wash clothes, I do some field work. But life is not easy for me at all. ”

Fati has his voting card. She will vote next. She asks whoever is chosen to restore peace. She would like to go home to Dablo.

“I will not be able to vote, I feel a little forgotten”

During this time, the village organizes the vote for next Sunday. Issouf Ouédraogo, president of the Independent Municipal Electoral Commission (This) in Kaya, is a busy man. A few days before the vote, the Commission distributes ballot papers to the displaced. “It is a displaced identity card. This person will vote for the popular daycare center. They were integrated everywhere in the various polling stations in the municipality of Kaya. ”

Anyone who had an identity card could be registered without any problems. Those who were registered and had their old voting card had to request transfers. 1,550 files were processed. “It took us about two months. And every day we were there to fill in the requests to send them to Céni in Ouaga. So it was not really easy. ”

Sayouba is 28 years old. He is one of the displaced persons, most according to Ceni, who has neither an identity document nor an old voting card. He will not be able to vote. “When it was the attack, we left in a hurry without being able to take our papers. And we are here without being able to issue a ballot paper because we do not have the necessary documents for that. Sunday I will not be able to vote and it hurts me because it is something that everyone has to do and I can not do it. I feel a little forgotten. ”

In the city of Kaya, 184 polling stations will be open on Sunday. More than 63,000 voters are registered. According to Ceni, 1334 polling stations in 860 villages will not be able to open due to uncertainty. This represents 6% of the polling stations.

Report, the displaced votes in Kaya


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