Türkiye to Participate in Arab League Ministerial After a 13-Year Hiatus

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan is set to make an appearance at the 162nd session of the Arab League Council on Tuesday in Cairo. He’ll be delivering key remarks on Türkiye-Arab League relations, spotlighting regional issues like the Gaza conflict.

Türkiye’s Historical Participation

This marks Türkiye’s first time attending the Arab League’s Foreign Ministers Council meeting in 13 years. Diplomatic insiders reveal that the Arab League extended the invitation.

Ministerial Engagements

The meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesday, will see Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan addressing the opening session. His speech will delve into Türkiye-Arab League ties and pressing regional matters, with an emphasis on the Gaza situation.

President Erdogan’s Leadership

Observers credit this invitation to normalization efforts steered by President Erdogan. Hakan Fidan, instrumental in these discreet diplomatic activities during his stint as the head of Türkiye’s intelligence agency (MIT), has also worked to strengthen relations with Gulf states.

Notably, Fidan’s involvement in the EU’s informal foreign ministers’ meeting in August, called the Gymnich, after a five-year hiatus, illustrates Türkiye’s rising global sway and Fidan’s diplomatic legacy under Erdogan’s administration.

Combating PKK

Experts highlight Fidan’s persistent efforts to secure Iraqi cooperation against the PKK under Erdogan’s guidance.

Positive Signals

The Arab League’s invite symbolically wraps up previous “negative campaigns” against Türkiye, heralding a new era of close cooperation, according to diplomatic sources.

Strong Diplomatic Stance

Türkiye’s assertive foreign policy has positioned the country as a robust advocate for stability and peace in its region and beyond, per diplomatic sources.

Shared Priorities

Key issues on the Arab League’s docket, notably Palestine, align closely with Türkiye’s foreign policy focus, underscoring the potential for synergistic efforts.

Deepening Ties

Diversifying and strengthening ties with Arab nations opens up avenues for addressing regional challenges and fostering future-oriented partnerships. Enhancing relations with the Arab League remains a priority.

Developing Bilateral Relations

Fidan’s invitation hints at growing bilateral ties with member states and increased recognition of Türkiye’s regional role.

Historical Context

Türkiye’s relations with the Arab League have been growing since 2003. A pivotal “Memorandum of Understanding” was inked in 2004, with the Turkish-Arab Cooperation Forum Framework Agreement in 2007 further solidifying this partnership. By January 2010, Ankara hosted the Arab League mission.

Recent Diplomatic Engagements

In October 2023, Fidan met with Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit in Cairo, continuing a trend of engagement. Previously, on February 28, political talks were held in Ankara, led by former Deputy Foreign Minister Yildiz and Assistant Secretary-General Zaki, who also attended the Antalya Diplomacy Forum.

Summit Developments

During the 33rd Arab League Summit in Bahrain on May 16, the committee addressing Turkish interference in Arab matters was dissolved, and no anti-Türkiye measures were discussed.

Ongoing Dialogue

Fidan continued to engage with Aboul Gheit during an Egypt visit in August. Moreover, he hosted a dinner in Ankara for Arab League member state ambassadors on August 7.

Previous Participation

Past Turkish Foreign Ministers, including Abdullah Gul in 2007 and Ahmet Davutoglu in 2010, attended Arab League meetings in Cairo. President Erdogan, then prime minister, addressed the League in September 2011. These meetings occur biannually in March and September in Cairo.

Return to Gymnich

Türkiye’s re-invitation to the EU’s informal meeting in Brussels in August marked its comeback after five years. Post-Gymnich, Fidan emphasized to Anadolu the significance of this meeting in rejuvenating Türkiye-EU relations. During his Brussels trip, he engaged in several bilateral talks with his counterparts.

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