Bakool Region Adds Its Voice to Rising Resistance Against Proposed Egyptian Soldier Deployment in Somalia

Protests Erupt in Hudur Against Egyptian Troop Deployment

HUDUR, Somalia (AXADLE) – Friday witnessed a robust gathering of regional leaders and community members in Hudur, fiercely opposing the proposed arrival of Egyptian military forces in Somalia.

The crowd expressed unwavering solidarity for the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) stationed locally, commending their significant contributions to maintaining safety for the residents.

Mohamed Abdi, the Bakool Governor, issued a passionate plea to President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, advocating that Egyptian soldiers should be assigned to other locales, completely excluding Bakool.

“Egypt’s past involvement in arming clan militias in Mogadishu with weaponry like tanks has directly led to assaults on our community and the devastation of towns, such as Hudur,” he remarked, recalling Egypt’s historical backing of warlords during the tumultuous 1990s.

“We categorically reject the idea of Egyptian troops setting foot here. It’s utterly unacceptable,” he added.

The protest was bolstered by women and local elders who shared their grievances, highlighting Egypt’s perceived indifference to the Palestinian struggle as evidence of its ineffectiveness in Somalia.

“If Egypt truly had noble intentions, why aren’t they actively supporting the people of Gaza?” questioned Mohamud Guled, an elder from Hudur who voiced his concerns during the demonstration.

Omar Abdullahi, the District Commissioner of Hudur, delivered a stern message against any initiatives that might displace local forces and Ethiopian peacekeepers.

“We implore the President of the Southwest State, with the assistance of Ethiopian troops, to enhance security in areas currently threatened by Al-Shabaab,” stated DC Omar Abdullahi.

Calls to resist the deployment of Egyptian forces have also arisen from the Hiiraan and Gedo regions, where Ethiopian troops are the primary defenders against the militant group Al-Shabaab.

Local authorities in these areas have voiced similar apprehensions about the introduction of Egyptian military presence, emphasizing the tried-and-true role of the ENDF in sustaining peace.

This uproar follows a recent announcement from the African Union (AU) indicating Egypt’s readiness to contribute troops to the upcoming AU mission in Somalia, slated to begin next year.

Nonetheless, amidst this development, Ethiopia, already a contributor to the AU mission, has raised alarms about Egypt’s involvement.

The historical discord between Ethiopia and Egypt has deep roots, fueled by competing interests regarding Nile water resources, which has been a persistent point of friction.

To further complicate the scenario, Ethiopia finds itself at odds with Mogadishu over a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) finalized with Somaliland on January 1, 2024. This agreement has escalated tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia’s federal government, intensifying the ongoing debate surrounding the proposed Egyptian troop deployment.

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