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West Africa

Axadle | West Africa. Firstly, your best news source, From, the expert view you can trust.

many national hostages held in the Sahel along with Westerners

The release of the French hostage, Sophie Pétronin, put the spotlight on Westerners still being held in the Sahel. But next to them, there are also an unknown number of Malian and Sahelin hostages. Hostage participation of premises that are much less mentioned. This week, twenty people were kidnapped in the municipality of Farabougou, in the middle of the country. Nine of them were still selected this Sunday. These hostages, targeting anonymous Malians, are less talked about than Westerners or leading personalities such…

In the news: the underside of a liberation

After moments of joy and effusion, following the release late last week in Mali of the three Western hostages and opposition leader Soumaïla Cissé, the continent's press is focusing on the underside of transactions on Monday. How many jihadists have been freed in exchange for hostages? Impossible to have an exact number. We're talking about 200 warriors. What is certain is that some of them met last Friday to celebrate their release. "The elements of GSIM, the support group for Islam and Muslims, wereted no time in…

Anger Gabonese churches demand reopening of places of worship

The coronavirus pandemic is in sharp decline. Almost all positive cases are cured. Last week, only 3 cases were admitted to the hospital. However, the country that has recorded a total of 54 deaths linked to Covid-19 has not delimited all sectors. This is the case with churches, bars and motels. This brings a sense of injustice to the operators in these sectors who are angry today. as reported from Libreville, After waiting more than 6 months, the Christian churches almost revolted against the state. On September 27,…

Alpha Condé on tour, Cellou Dalein Diallo blocked

Guinean President Alpha Condé, a candidate for re-election, embarked on a surprise tour of the interior of the country on Sunday, October 11, while the procession of opposition leader Cellou Dalein Diallo, who was due to hold a meeting in Kankan, was blocked. , on the basis of violence. The election campaign is accelerating in…

In Nigeria, Covid-19 gives new impetus to the pangolin defense

The strong attention paid to pangolin due to the Covid-19 pandemic has raised awareness at the international level of the need to protect this endangered species. In Nigeria, the main global crossroads for animal trafficking, despite cultural opposition, pangolin defenders feel empowered and more easily advocate its exploitation. The University of Ibadan campus is…

expected the Ghanaian president in Bamako with a message of “solidarity” from ECOWAS

The President of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo, the current President of ECOWAS is expected this Sunday, October 11 in Bamako for a few hours. He is the first head of state to visit Mali since ECOWAS lifted the embargo. He comes to take stock of the political transition, discuss the next steps so that the election deadlines are met. But his first message will be "solidarity with Mali". as reported from Bamako, It is first and foremost a journey to mark ECOWAS 'solidarity with Mali. The country finds its place in the…

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