Sergio Busquets reveals how his leading style contrasts with Sergio Ramos

Speaking ahead of EURO 2020, Sergio Busquets spoke about the leadership style he hopes to implement in Sergio Ramo’s absence.

Ramos was a surprising exclusion from Spain’s final squad – in fact, no Real Madrid player manager Luis Enriques made the 26 final.

Busquets received the bracelet as one of La Roja’s older players, after being involved in the troops that won the 2010 World Cup and the 2012 European Championships.

The Barcelona midfielder has not yet played in the tournament due to a positive COVID-19 test, but when he spoke before EURO 2020, he said he hoped to implement a positive environment among the players.

He told UEFA: “Well, I will deal with it in a natural way. I am lucky to have such good teammates; there is a lot of respect between us all. And I am also lucky that the coaches of the national team encourage it. So the most important thing is to compete well, to win, and everything else will take care of itself.

“I will be there at the forefront to guide and help them in any way I can, but everyone must help in that regard in the most natural way, and I’m sure everything will go well. We want to be here as long as possible because that would be a good sign, and I’m sure we’ll have good days and bad days but we will stick together as a team.

Busquets has made 123 appearances for Spain / Quality Sport Images / Getty Images

“This in turn will ensure that there is a good atmosphere, that everyone enjoys the experience, that everyone feels a desire to compete and that we are all in this together, and that is one of the secrets of this team.”

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