RPA celebrates its 12th anniversary in Dakar after a controversial cabinet transformation

The Alliance for the Republic (APR) celebrated its 12th anniversary on Tuesday. The RPA is facing internal tensions, especially with the newly opened opposition that the president wanted. The official ceremony was therefore an opportunity for activists to mobilize again, despite the absence of the head of state.

as reported from Dakar, Charlotte idrac

Songs and cakes at APR’s head office that had not welcomed so many people in several months. Leaders, wise men and activists, such as Bassirou Bah, party leader in Gandé commune, Louga region, then member: “From the beginning, when Macky Sall left Wade’s government, there was great hope. For 12 years, the party has been there, strengthened “.

The recently changed in the cabinet still made them crawl. A “collective of authentic activists” has even been created. For them, the “identity of the RPA has been disfigured” by alliances that threaten the party’s unity.

Fees were rejected by Fode Banora, coordinator of the Republican and Student Movement (MEER) at the Tambacounda Department: “I think the president is the only person who knows the goal. What he said was an opening. “The President of the Republic, he took Idrissa Seck and Aissata Tall Sall because he thinks that these people can bring something for Senegal”.

Third term?

The second debate agitating the party is a possible third mandate for the head of state in 2024. “Too early” debate, officially. But in front of the RPA logo – a beige horse head on a brown background – Khady Pouye does not say no: “If he wants a third term, he must get it.” At the moment, that is the job ”.

The head of state, who was announced to celebrate this anniversary, did not come in the end. “Emergency meeting”, explains the presidency.


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