oil carriers interrupt their


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Gas stations have finally resumed little by little in Dakar after a severe fuel shortage at the beginning of the weekend. A strike by the oil carriers was the origin. The strike was eventually called off, while negotiations between union members and employers were resumed under the leadership of the ministries concerned. At the beginning of this strike: employers’ refusal to sign new agreements with carriers.

as reported from Dakar, Birahim Toure

An agreement was finally reached to interrupt the colossal bearers’ strike slogan and continue discussions with the authorities. This is confirmed by Cheikh Diop, Secretary General of the National Confederation of Workers of Senegal, Force for Change, which brings together oil and gas carriers.

“We have started discussions for the hydrocarbon transport sector and the employers have been at the negotiating table for almost a year and a half. To bring them back to the table and complete the agreement for the hydrocarbon transport sector, we considered it necessary to trigger this 72-hour strike slogan that has been exhausted since yesterday, so the strike is over. ”

Despite the reluctance of some carriers, the decision was made to resume rotations to deliver petrol stations. Several had already begun to empty their warehouses.

At the beginning of this strike, employers are required, among other things, to return to the negotiating table and formulate counter-proposals in relation to those made by the carriers. The various parties will meet next Wednesday, April 28, around the ministries of oil and energy and labor, social dialogue, professional organizations.


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