an opponent heard behind closed doors by Criet

In Porto Novo yesterday, Benine’s opponent Reckia Madougou was heard for the first time by Criet, who has been suing her since March 5, 2021 for “criminal association and terrorism”. Candidate for the Democratic Party whose action was annulled by the Electoral Commission, officially due to lack of sponsorship, she was heard on the merits and on her possible interference in the case where the Special Prosecutor at this court accuses her.

as reported from Benin, Jean-Luc Aplogan

When he heard behind closed doors, out of sight, no one saw Reckia Madougou on his arrival or departure. At 6pm (local time) a white van was seen coming out of court for repression of economic crime and terrorism (Criet). the opponent was on board, she returned to her cell in the missre center.

Six hours of interrogation

According to our information, three magistrates questioned her for almost six hours about the facts that the prosecutor accused her of on March 5 last year, 48 hours after her arrest, namely “a plan to sabotage the April 11 presidential election with planned assassinations of political personalities.” What did Madame Madougou answer? In the investigation’s secret, his four Benin lawyers refused to help him talk about it.


They refer to their first statements about the deal, it was in March, they had qualified the “empty and political file”. . Two other defendants in the case were heard during the week. If necessary, the committee of inquiry will organize confrontations.

Read also: Benin: opponent Reckya Madougou could be visited by his lawyer


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