Nomalizing the relationship between Sudano and Israel: Washington is losing patience

Will Sudan normalize its relations with Israel? In any case, more and more sources, especially Israeli and Sudanese media, confirm. According to them, you will put a lot of pressure on Khartoum so that the Sudanese accept an agreement: an approximation to the Hebrew state in exchange for a package that includes the withdrawal of sanctions and financial support. According to these same media, the Sudanese would have accepted. However, no official announcement at the moment and we must be careful.

as reported from Nairobi, Sebastien nemeth

If we are to believe the information from the last few days, Washington would have issued an ultimatum to Khartoum. In return for recognizing Israel, the United States would commit to removing Sudan from the list of states sponsoring terrorism. The end of a sanction that would relieve the economy.

The Americans have also reportedly promised to push Congress to restore Sudan’s legal immunity, thus blocking future trials. debt from October 2021 or even mobilization of allies for future investment.

Cameron Hudson is skeptical. Atlantic Researcher “does not believe agreement has been reached.” According to him, Washington is annoyed by Sudanese reluctance. But “the United States is not aware of the fragility of the transitional government and the divisions that normalization with Israel would lead to,” he said.

In fact, the population is divided on the issue. The Islamist current, for example, is against it. At the peak, the military seems favorable, in contrast to a prime minister who is very restrained on an approximation.

Researcher Lauren Blanchard wonders. She points out that several measures such as debt restructuring will require the approval of Congress. And so basically, US commitments would be spread over time, while Sudan, which suffers from inflation and scarcity, immediately needs money.


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