SSC Khatumo Chief Engages Chinese Diplomats in Mogadishu for Vital Development Aid Talks

Mogadishu (AX) – Abdikhadir Firdhiye, chief of SSC Khatumo, together with some of his ministers, huddled with Chen Wendi, acting Chinese Ambassador to Somalia, and other Chinese envoys in Mogadishu on Tuesday.

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The powwow zeroed in on how China could pitch in on development and humanitarian aid for SSC Khatumo regions.

Firdhiye pointed out that China was the trailblazer in providing aid to SSC Khatumo’s residents during the tough times brought on by the protracted brawl in Las Anod town.

Chen Wendi, the acting Chinese ambassador, committed to ongoing support from China for the Somali populace, highlighting those in SSC Khatumo regions.

This gathering was just one episode in a string of dialogues Firdhiye had with the federal government and international entities during his stint in Somalia’s capital.

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