President Farmajo again promises timely elections in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia – President Farmajo once again pledged early elections in Somalia just hours after parliament approved the recently signed pre-election agreement, further assuring members of the public pledge to hold elections on time timely agreed at the historic meeting that was convened at Villa Somalia.

In Villa Somalia, Farmajo attended a roundtable hosted by the Raas Institute for Policy Studies, highlighting the government’s efforts to hold elections that reflect the country’s progress and democracy.

He reiterated the commitment to hold people-centered elections, adding that such a decision will improve the level of accountability as people will directly choose their representatives. One-person, one-vote elections, he noted, would prevent foreign interference, corruption and political instability.

The head of state said his administration had compromised on the ballot plans, adding that the country had to choose the deputies and the president’s income in the months to come after the current administration’s term ended. He called for the stability and democratization of Somali institutions.

“Compromises strengthen governance and the rule of law, and enhance stability and unity. The compromise I made on electoral issues is a compromise. In the meantime, we plan to start selecting MPs from November this year, so that we can successfully select members of parliament earlier next year, ”he noted.

President Farmajo answered questions from some members of the Somali public who were part of the roundtable, including the timing of the elections, the role of youth in political change in 2021 and the reasons for its failure. choice of person and voice, achievements and challenges of reconciliation.

He cited the Banadir questions which have derailed in parliament for a few years now, arguing that it is the prerogative of the Senate to make the final decision. Somalia, he added, should focus on restoring peace and quiet after many years of turmoil.

“Since I have been in power, we have empowered the youth, as part of the leadership and governance of the country. The 13 seats in the region of Benadir that I requested and accepted by the House of the People are now before the President of both Houses. Parliament, because it went beyond the agreed political process and remains to be done according to law. “

On Saturday, parliament approved the electoral deal that was signed earlier this month, giving the country even more hope of making it to the main polls. Wadajir party leader Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame said his party accepted the decision taken by the bicameral house to approve the deal.

“The Wadajir party congratulates the Parliament for approving the electoral model. The party regrets that the FGS leadership lost the Somali public the opportunity to participate in the 1P1V elections. We call on Prime Minister Roble to implement the agreement fairly and transparently and to consult stakeholders, “he added.


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