At the entrance web page of the Kinshasa press: the means of

“Election reforms: the ambiguity of religious denominations”. This headline on the front page of Le Potentiel calls for the eight religious denominations officially recognized in the Democratic Republic of Congo and “which, according to this diary, are already active in the appointment of the future leader of the Independent National Electoral Commission”.

“They demanded in advance profound reforms of the entire electoral system, including a review of the management of the outgoing office,” the newspaper added.

Le Potentiel is surprised that these religious denominations have already launched a call for candidates for the appointment of the new president of Ceni. “Have the religious leaders chosen to put the cart in front of the ox by turning the pyramid in this way?” ask our colleagues from Potential, who also wonder “why this is in a hurry when the two Presidents of Parliament’s chambers during the double opening of the March period put the issue of electoral reform among the priorities”. For the newspaper Le Potentiel, it smells of politics.

Forum des As, another daily newspaper, reports that the FCC is not a party to the government while wishing Prime Minister Sama Lukonde good luck.

According to this newspaper, former President Joseph Kabila’s political family announced their position in a statement last Thursday, indicating that “those among the members of the FCC who, tempted by the race to share illegal posts, will be in this government will be therefore in conflict with the values ​​and alternatives of the FCC family.

”For the FCC, explains the Forum des As, we are facing a“ systematic denial of the constitution, laws and regulations governing the political governance of the country.

”And the newspaper added:“ The Kabilist platform speaks of a anchoring in illegality and blatant contempt “with regard to the RD-Congolese constitution.

Arrest of Belarusian Alexander Zingman

“State coup defuse?” This is the questionable title of the daily La République. This newspaper mentions in its columns the archive on the arrest of Belarusian Alexander Zingman, “a file that must be taken seriously by the Congolese authorities”, adds this daily.

The newspaper reports that this character passes for a specialist in supplying weapons of war to several states including Zambia and Zimbabwe.

“He was arrested in Lubumbashi when he got off the plane that took him back from Kinshasa, accompanied by another Belarusian and an Italian businessman,” writes La République, who believes the Belarusian Congolese trip could have been sown by destabilization. of the country’s institutions.

This newspaper confirms that it has elements to support this dissertation, especially since the man stayed in the capital without contacting any official.

Honoré Gbanda’s death

Honoré Gbanda “Terminator” died in Morocco. Le Phare, another daily newspaper, announces the death at the age of 75 of Marshal Mobutu Sese Seko’s last special adviser on security.

“He was a technocrat in several hats before discovering himself in exile from 1997 to 2021, the soul of a politician within a political party founded far from the country, the Alliance of Patriots for the Reconstruction of the Congo,” we can still read in the newspaper Le Phare .

“After the speech on April 24, 1994, announcing the end of the dictatorship, it is one of Marshal Mobutu’s hawks,” recalls the newspaper, emphasizing that “the hawks were labeled as characters acquired for the status quo, allergic to any change in governance at the top of “They were ready to arrest, torture and even kill their compatriots who thought the dictatorship’s time was over. Ironically, like Mobutu, Honoré Gbanda died in Morocco.”

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