What tomorrow for African inventors?

Until recently, they were not taken seriously. No one bet on them, except for a few rare protectors who were as crazy as them. Today, through their innovation and adaptability, inventors have proven their genius to everyone. They offer practical and cheaper solutions. While the Covid-19 pandemic raged around the world and traditional suppliers folded in on themselves, they invented respiratory protection or even disinfectants. But if the people and the authorities now seem convinced of their talent, do they have a future on the continent?

With our guests:

Sheriff Haidara, founder of Afrika Solar

Serge Armel Njidjou, founder of AUI-Techno Fab lab, designer of a connected incubator 100% “Made in Cameroon”

Mountaga Keita, founder of Tulip Industries

Dr. Sayavé Gnoumou, surgeon, founder of the French-speaking Academy of Telemedicine, African Union expert in telemedicine and e-health.


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