the case of the mysterious Frenchman Juan Rémy

Frenchman Juan Rémy Quignolot is arrested on May 10 in Bangui in the Central African Republic. Photos of the search for his home had circulated on social media, showing a number of weapons and ammunition, as well as strategic equipment such as bulletproof vests.

The file of Juan Remy Quignolot is now on the investigating judge’s desk that carries out the investigations. The Frenchman is accused of various charges, says Minister of Justice Eric Didier Tambo: attack on the state’s internal security, illegal possession of weapons and ammunition for war and espionage. He can be tried in the next criminal session if the investigation is complete.

Juan Rémy Quignolot, who was first detained at the Central Office for Repression of Banditry (OCRB), has since been officially placed under a power of attorney and transferred to the Roux camp. The Roux camp is a special detention center located near the presidency where cells were recently renovated by the UN mission.

The prosecutor insists on respecting the prison’s rights, in particular the right to be assisted by a lawyer and to see a doctor. The ICRC could visit him, the prosecutor said. Following the arrest, the French Foreign Ministry announced that it was exercising its consular protection against him “as it would with any French citizen”.


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