Easter weekend damage by way of Covid-19 and

While the Central African Republic has 80% of Christians, this year the Easter weekend is celebrated gloomily with the Covid-19 pandemic and this new armed conflict launched in December 2020 by the rebels of the Coalition of Patriots for Change (CPC).

as reported from Bangui, FLorence Morice

At the entrance to the cathedral, mask on face, Éric Ngouaï is happy to participate in the Easter Mass this year. By 2020, he must have followed her on the radio. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all services were banned in the country.

“We arranged for people to stay away with their mufflers. We rejoice because Jesus rose from the dead ”.

Between worries and hopes regarding the armed conflict

Vianney Wilebozoumna regrets that the party is a bit disturbed this year by the ongoing conflict in the country. With the crisis, it was impossible for him to be completely happy. He sells some T-shirts made for the Easter celebration, but the crisis has forced him to lower prices: “We would sell it to 5,000 francs, but given the crisis, we left it at 4,000, 4,500. L ‘money does not flow ‘.

Not far from there, Francis Kouevi and his four daughters hurry to attend a mass he hopes for under the sign of the reconciliation of the Central Africans. “Past relation to conflict“I say once again that this is the way to put in the Lord’s hand all this tension that we have felt here, there and through Easter, we will approve of this union in principle that is normally rooted in the Central African people.”

When he entered the church, he promised to pray for peace to return to his country for a long time.


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