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Somali Army Chief Visits Wounded Soldiers Following Fatal Encounter with Al-Shabaab

Somalia's Army Chief Visits Wounded Soldiers After Fierce Battle with Al-Shabaab MOGADISHU, Somalia - Major General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhydin, the Chief of Defence Forces for the Somali National Army (SNA), paid a visit to soldiers injured in Monday’s violent clash in Southern Somalia. This confrontation involved the army and Al-Shabaab insurgents attempting to seize military outposts. Accompanied by police chief Brigadier Sulub Ahmed Firin, known for his pivotal role in upholding law and order, Major General Muhydin…

Senior Al-Shabaab commander visits Somalia – navy

Senior Al-Shabaab commander visits Somalia - navy BAIDOA, Somalia - Amid ongoing al-Shabaab assaults in Somalia, a senior determine within the al-Qaeda-linked group surrendered to authorities troopers over the weekend because the nation struggles to include violent extremism coming into the his sixteenth yr. Government troops have intensified the crackdown on militants within the southwestern…

Djiboutian president visits Ethiopia amid uncertainty in Horn of Africa

Djiboutian president visits Ethiopia amid uncertainty in Horn of Africa ADDIS ABABA - Djibouti's strongman Ismail Omar Guelleh landed at Bole International Airport in Ethiopia on Sunday for a two-day working journey amid political and safety uncertainty within the Horn of Africa over the previous final two years. Ethiopia's beleaguered Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed greeted Guelleh on the airport…

Senior Tigray Force Commander surrendered ENDF amid battle

NAIROBI, Kenya - According to state media reports, the commander-in-chief of the Tigraya Defense Force surrendered to the Ethiopian National Defense Force . Colonel Gebrehivot Gebreaelaf, a respected commander in the TDFranks, reportedly deserted on Saturday, which could significantly affect the advancementofTigray's army, which is movinginto Afar and Amhara in northern Ethiopia.State media reported that Colonel Gebrechivot Gebreaelaf sidedwithGasaiwithhim. TDF spokesman Getachew Rada was not available for comment, but…

Somali Prime Minister Roble visits Egypt days after Nairobi journey

Somali Prime Minister Roble visits Egypt days after Nairobi trip MOGADISHU, Somalia - Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble will be visiting Cairo, Egypt in the coming days, The Axadlereported, just days after completing a three-day tour of Kenya, which reportedly raised questions at Villa Somalia. While in Nairobi, Roble anchored his message on the need for a concrete bilateral relationship…

Somali Prime Minister Roble visits Egypt ahead of FMS-FGS conference

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble left this morning for Cairo, Egypt, following an invitation from President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, who has pleaded for a stable Horn on Africa, throughout his tenure as Egyptian leader . Roble is expected to be in Cairo for three days, officials said, but the agenda for his visit has not yet been released. His trip comes a few days after his official visit to Kenya, where he was invited by President Uhuru Kenyatta. In Mombasa, Kenya, the two leaders met and agreed…

Somali PM visits London to meet Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble is traveling to London where he will participate in the London Global Education Summit which will open on July 28. In London, Prime Minister Roble is due to meet President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya. In May, Uhuru invited Roble to visit Somalia, but the plan has yet to be updated due to the difficult elections in Somalia. According to the British Mission in Kenya, President Uhuru Kenyatta and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson at 10 Downing Street in…

Somali Prime Minister Roble visits Garbaharey with out Jubaland’s consent

Somali Prime Minister Roble visits Garbaharey without Jubaland's consent MOGADISHU, Somalia - Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble will today lead a federal government delegation to Garbaharey in Jubaland, in one of the strategies for planning the upcoming elections, which are crucial for the future of Somalia, which is in balance. For two days Roble has been locked up in Jubaland, where he has…

Somali Prime Minister Roble visits Jubaland forward of his first journey to Kenya

KISMAYO, Somalia - Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble is visiting Kismayo, the interim capital of Jubaland, as part of his pre-election preparations, as he seeks to oversee a credible election in the Horn of Africa country. The Prime Minister accompanied by senior federal government officials, including Finance Minister Abdirahman Dualle Beileh, was warmly greeted at the airport by the President of Jubaland, Ahmed Madobe, and members of the public from state authorities. The state of Jubaland has been at odds…

Laurent Gbagbo visits Kinshasa by invitation

The first voyage outside the Ivorian borders of former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo returned to Côte d'Ivoire on June 17, after ten years at the ICC. He arrived in Kinshasa on Friday, July 2, early in the evening. A discreet journey: no picture of his arrival has been leaked on social networks. Gbagbo's stay in the Democratic Republic of Congo responds to Jean-Pierre Bemba's invitation.…

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