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Gobaladda Waqooyi oo ku eedaysay dowlada Soomaaliya in ay ku fogaantahay duminta nabadeeda

 Talaado, Luulyo, 23, 2024 (AX) - Xukuumada Gobaladda Waqooyi ayaa sheegtay in is-fahanka Gobaladda Waqooyi iyo Itoobiya uu muhiim u yahay iskaashiga iyo horumarka labada dhinac.Qoraal kasoo baxay Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibbada, ayaa lagu sheegay in Gobaladda Waqooyi ay tahay waddan madaxbannaan oo waddamada caalamka heshiisyo la gali kara, lakiin ay dowlada Soomaaliya dagaal kula jirto."Waa wax laga xumaado in maamulka Muqdisho ee Xasan Sheekh ee aan maamulin caasimadiisa, in uu ku hawlanyahay falal ay ku waxyeelaynayo amniga…

Gobaladda Waqooyi oo uga digtay Turkiga in ciidamadiisa baddu ay usoo gudbaad xeebaheeda

 Arbaco, Luulyo, 24, 2024 (AX) - Gobaladda Waqooyi ayaa sheegtay in anay ogolaandoonin in Ciidamada Badda Turkiga ee la rajaynayo in ay yimaadaan xeebaha Soomaaliya ay usoo gudbaad xeebaheeda.Qoraal kasoo baxay Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibadda ayaa lagu baahiyay diidmada Gobaladda Waqooyi ee imaanshaha ciidamada Turkiga, xukuumada Gobaladda Waqooyi ayaa sheegtay in Turkigu aanu ciidamo keeni karin xeebaheeda."Xukumada Gobaladda Waqooyi waxay si adag uga soo horjeeda in ciidamo la keeno xeebaha la aqoonsanyahay ee Gobaladda…

Gobaladda Waqooyi oo ka hadashay markab ay dhawaan Xuutiyiintu weerareen

 Khamiis, Luulyo, 25, 2024 (AX) - Gobaladda Waqooyi ayaa ka hadashay markab alaab ku rogay Dekeda Berbera, oo ay weerar u gayasteen kooxaha Xuutiyiinta ee dalka Yemen.Wasiirka Arrimaha Guddaha Gobaladda Waqooyi Maxamed Kaahin Axmed oo waraysi siiyay Idaacada BBC Somali, ayaa sheegay in Xuutiyiintu ay markabka ku weerareen meel ka baxsan biyaha Gobaladda Waqooyi."Markabkaasi waxa uu ku gooshaayay calanka dowlada Singabuur, markii la weeraray kumuu jirin mas'uuliyad badeedka Gobaladda Waqooyi, xadkeena kuma jirin, marinka…

Gobaladda Waqooyi oo ka hadashay waxa laga yeelayo maxaabiistii lagu kala qabsaday dagaalkii Laascaanood

 Jimco, Luulyo, 26, 2024 (AX) - Xukuumada Gobaladda Waqooyi ayaa sheegtay in ay diyaar u tahay in dhinacyadu ay ka wadahadlaan maxaabiistii lagu kala qabsaday dagaalkii Laascaanood.Wasiirka Arrimaha Guddaha Gobaladda Waqooyi Maxamed Kaahin Axmed oo waraysi siiyay BBC Somali, ayaa sheegay in xukuumadiisu ay diyaar u tahay in wadaxaajood laga galo arrinta maxaabiiista."Xukumada Gobaladda Waqooyi maxaabiistaa meel fiican ayay ka taagantahay, markastana waxay diyaar u tahay si nabadgalyo ah oo aan shuruudo lahayn, in arrinta…

North Western of Somaliaon the spot over the detention of journalists

HARGEISA, Somalia - The breakaway area of North Western of Somaliahas come beneath fireplace for harassment and arbitrary arrests of journalists following requires respect for freedom of expression and the media throughout the Federal Republic of Somalia. Somali Journalists Syndicate and the Somali Media Association that are the media strain teams, collectively condemned the arrests and assaults on journalists within the area, including that it's obligatory to respect the press. Authorities within the city of Borame,…

United States: We interact North Western of Somaliaas a part of our distinctive coverage on Somalia

WASHINGTON- The United States will proceed to interact North Western of Somalia as a part of its distinctive coverage on Somalia, Assistant Secretary of State Molly Phee stated moments after assembly with North Western of Somalia President Muse Bihi Abdi. Abdi is main a delegation of ministers to the United States the place he's to satisfy different senior officers. Bihi would goal the United States for the popularity of Somaliland. But in a press release, Molly Phee was fast to make clear that the United States will…

North Western of Somalialeadership race takes on a brand new dimension

North Western of Somalialeadership race takes on a new dimension HARGEISA, Somalia - The race for the leadership of Somaliland's parliament has taken on a new dimension after the split of the opposition UCID party, which could spark stiff competition in the coming weeks in the separatist northern region. This came after the ruling Kulmiye party succeeded in dividing one of the main rival…

North Western of Somalia doctors arrested at Mogadishu airport, returned to

MOGADISHU, Somalia - In a bizarre incident, two North Western of Somaliasenior hospitals were arrested at Mogadishu airport, according to reports, before being held for three days under unclear circumstances, which could spark yet another rift between Hargeisa and Mogadishu. According to reports, the two workers whose identities are withheld for security reasons were attached to Dr. Adna Adan Hospital in Somaliland, a breakaway region which is at odds with authorities in Mogadishu. The two staff members were on their…

Somalia: Farmajo dragged into the North Western of Somaliaelectoral committee

Somalia: Farmajo dragged into disputes over North Western of Somaliaelectoral committee MOGADISHU, Somalia - Outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo is once again on the spot for the current stalemate between Somaliland's senior leaders and the federal government, following differences in the appointment of members of the electoral committee. With just 14 days to go before the start of…

DP World invests $ 442 million in breakaway area in Somalia

DP World invests $ 442 million in breakaway area in Somalia BERBERA, Somalia - DP World is investing no less than $ 442 million in Somaliland, a breakaway area in northern Somalia, with the intention of increasing the port of Berbera, which was lately launched and attended by many stakeholders from a number of components of the nation. Somalia and overseas. The corporate, which additionally…

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