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ENDF condemns troopers “working with” TDF as Tigray battle takes form

ENDF condemns troopers "working with" TDF as Tigray battle takes form ADDIS ABABA - Conflict in Ethiopia's Tigray area seems removed from over, following current disciplinary motion in opposition to quite a lot of Ethiopian nationwide protection forces , after days of army trial within the Horn of Africa nation. According to the Addis Ababa Standard, the southern command army court docket has…

Ethiopian military assaults TDF as Tigray battle takes form

NAIROBI, Kenya - Ethiopian National Defense Forces allegedly attacked the Tigray Defense Forces , in what could further escalate tensions in the Tigray region, and possibly derail efforts to restore order in Ethiopia. Over the past nine months, ENDF and TDF have fought for control of Tigray, resulting in mass killings, population displacement, rape and torture. The two sides accused each other of atrocities in the Tigray region. State media report that the TDF under the military command of General Tsadkan Gebretensay…

Robles magi? PM gathers stakeholders when election negotiations take shape

Robles magi? PM gathers stakeholders when election negotiations take shape in Somalia MOGADISHU, Somalia - With almost all opposing teams supporting his efforts to unite the country, Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble seems to have been given the much-needed springboard in the election talks, having managed to bring almost everyone to the negotiating table. The country expects a major…

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