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Why Somalia Should Consider Bitcoin as a Hedge: Building Economic Resilience

In the face of recent economic turmoil and uncertainties, Somalia has a compelling opportunity to explore the potential benefits of integrating Bitcoin into its national financial strategy. This innovative digital currency could not only serve as a safeguard during turbulent economic times but also act as a catalyst for strengthening Somalia's resilience against future shocks. Somalia, along with many other developing nations, faces a multitude of challenges that can significantly disrupt its economic stability. These…

political resilience among Congolese employers

Albert Yuma was unanimously re-elected by the Congolese leaders for three years as head of the Federation of Congo Enterprises (FEC) during the General Assembly of the country's most important employers' organization, this Thursday 26 November in Kinshasa. The 65-year-old Congolese businessman has been head of the FEC since 2005. He is one of the public figures who crystallizes the tensions between the…

The tolerance threshold for resilience

Faced with bullying and deprivation, people all over the continent know how to be patient. But sometimes it is not enough for the camel's back to run over. What few leaders understand. Nathanaël Vittrant: In Nigeria, the angry crowd is protesting against police violence. A movement that is still suppressed in the blood at the beginning of the week. And President Buhari's response on Thursday, October 22, seemed a little weak. However, should we fear, as you seem to think, that this type of movement will win more and more…

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