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Himilo Qaran Criticizes Somali Govt After Al-Shabaab Attack

Reflections on Security Challenges in Somalia In the heart of Mogadishu, amidst the bustling streets, a tragic reminder of Somalia’s ongoing security struggles unfolded with the attack on the Cairo Hotel. This violence isn't isolated, but rather, it reverberates like a chilling echo through the corridors of numerous Somali cities. How did we find ourselves here, surrounded by the seemingly ceaseless turmoil? Himilo Qaran, a voice distinct and unwavering in the political landscape, argues that…

The Himilo Qaran Party calls on leaders to steer clear of extending terms while the NCC meeting is underway.

Mogadishu (AX) – Somalia's Himilo Qaran party is sending out a clarion call to the country's leaders: steer clear of political maneuvers that could deepen the ongoing turmoil, especially when it comes to extending governmental terms.Helmed by former President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, the opposition faction laid out a seven-point statement this Thursday during a gathering in Mogadishu. This declaration emerges as the National Consultative Council (NCC) continues its powwow with top brass from federal and regional…

Xasan Xundubey: “Aaskii qaran ee AUN Cali Mahdi

Xasan Xundubey Jimcaale Sii hayaha Wasiirka Amniga ee Dowlada KMG ayaa ka hadlay aaska AUN Cali Mahdi Maxamed Madaxweynihii 4-aad ee Soomaaliya oo maanta lagu aasay degmada Yaaqshiid ee gobolka Banaadir. Xundubey wuxuu sheegay in dadaalka guddigii loo xilsaaray aaska madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya ay fududeysay masuuliyadii laga sugayay dhowr meelood sida meydka oo la qaado, aaska iyo aaska. Ku simaha Wasiirka Amniga ayaa shacabka Soomaaliyeed uga mahadceliyey dhibaatooyinkii ay kala soo kulmeen waddooyinka ay xireen…

Muqdisho oo aas qaran loogu sameynayo AUN Cali

Cali Mahdi Maxamed, Madaxweynihii 4-aad ee Soomaaliya oo Arbacadii 10-kii Maarso 2021 ku geeriyooday magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya ayaa maanta lagu aasi doonaa magaalada Muqdisho. Aaska ayaa waxaa ka qeyb galaya madax kala duwan sida Hogaamiyayaasha Dowlada Federaalka ee waqtigeedu dhamaaday, Madaxweynayaashii hore, Hogaamiyayaasha Dowlad Goboleedyada iyo marti sharaf kale, ehelada iyo asxaabta. Wadooyinka magaalada Muqdisho ayaa loo yareeyay isticmaalka joogtada ah ee gawaarida iyo mootooyinka waxaana ciidamo la…

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