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In Niger ”IS sends a strong signal to

The Islamic State group claims in a press release the attack that targeted the night of June 11 to the President of the National Assembly. A small-scale attack: two men on motorcycles had shot at the guards in front of the building before unsuccessfully trying to steal a vehicle by fleeing. But a deadly attack - one of the guards had been killed - the first for the Islamic State group in the Nigerian…

In the spotlight: Africa hit a third

"Against a global downward trend since the beginning of May, the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated in Africa for the fifth week in a row. Africa Pointabove all. The trajectory of Covid cases in Africa is "very, very worrying", the WHO estimated on Friday, with the spread of more infectious variants and a dangerously low level of vaccination. According to data collected by the WHO, there were 116,500 new infections in Africa…

Niger reopens its borders after fifteen months

After fifteen months of border closures, the Nigerian government decided to reopen them. The decision, taken at the last Council of Ministers, states that it is thanks to the control of Covid-19 in the country. A decision praised by the country's economic actors. as reported from Niamey, Moussa KakaIt is the control and…

Niger closes infiltrated refugee camp

The Nigerian government has decided to close the Intikane refugee camp in Tillia prefecture, 60 km from the Malian border, home to Malian refugees and internally displaced Nigerians. It is infiltrated by jihadists and is also in the way of drug traffickers. as reported from Niamey, Moussa KakaThe decision to close the Intikane…

one Nigerian soldier killed and two French wounded

A Nigerian soldier was killed on Tuesday (June 15) during fighting in the "three borders" area of ​​Mali. Three other soldiers were injured: another Nigerian soldier and two French soldiers from the Barkhane force. This collision occurred on Tuesday, June 15, in the In Araban sector of Mali, southwest of Ménaka, in Liptako, a…

What role for women in Boko groups

Until then, there was little information about the role of women in armed groups Boko Haram and Katiba Macina, but a recent study by the Institute of Studies and Security (ISS) looked at the subject. They collected many testimonies from men and women who were or had been associated with the armed groups Boko Haram in Niger and Katiba Macina in Mali.…

attack on the residence of the President of

In Niamey, attackers attacked the residence of Seini Oumarou, the president of the National Assembly, Friday night, June 11 until Saturday, June 12. Terrorist attack or crime by petty criminals in Niamey? Monopolizes the case. An investigation is underway. as reported from Niamey, Moussa KakaArmed men on motorcycles shot at…

two Chinese nationals kidnapped in the west

Two Chinese nationals were abducted on Sunday evening, June 6, at a gold mine in western Niger, in the village of Mbanga. It is the first time Chinese have been kidnapped in this region bordering Burkina Faso. By Monday evening, the research had not yielded anything yet. as reported from Niamey, Moussa KakaThey are two Chinese…

the opposition is anxious in regards to the state of affairs in

In southwestern Niger, the town of Tillabéri has hosted greater than 11,000 displaced folks for the reason that starting of this week. All have been pushed from their villages by armed teams. They now stay in the standard wrestling enviornment within the regional capital and have been visited by the Minister of the Inside but in addition by an opposition delegation.…

the safety forces will accompany the displaced

In southwestern Niger, town of Tillabéri has since hosted greater than 11,000 displaced folks, who've been pushed from their villages by armed teams. On Tuesday, the Minister of the Inside visited them. Alkasha Alhada promised them that they'd quickly have the opportunity to return dwelling to domesticate their fields because of the safety of the safety forces.…

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