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Kenya: Duale Transferred from Defence to Environment Ministry

Kenya: Duale Switched from Defence to Environment Ministry NAIROBI – In a surprising shuffle, President William Ruto has reassigned Aden Duale, a close ally, to head the Environment ministry. This unexpected move unfolded just before a crucial second vetting phase for Kenya's new batch of ministers, happening a week post-nomination. In the midst of mounting public unrest, Ruto dismissed his entire cabinet, subsequently announcing 11 new nominees in his initial selection. Originally appointed as Defense Minister, Duale's…

Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education accused

The Congolese Ministry of Primary, Secondary and Technical Education (EPST) is shaken by a scandal involving economic embezzlement. He is accused by the IGF of embezzling almost $ 400,000 of funds allocated to organize the first school football championship in…

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is “an accomplice in the torture of a Briton in Somalia”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is "an accomplice in the torture of a Briton in Somalia" LONDON - A British citizen has claimed to have been tortured in Somalia and questioned by US intelligence agents, fearing that controversial post-9/11 “war on terror” practices are still being used. The 45-year-old from London alleges he suffered a balaclava, sensory deprivation and waterboarding at the…

41 candidates submitted their applications to the Ministry of the Interior

In Niger, 41 candidates for the presidential election in December next year have been handed over to the Interior Ministry. This is the first time there are such a large number of potential candidates for the election on 27 December. In the last election, they were 16. President Issoufou hopes at the end of his term to achieve the first alternation in Niger: a civilian sending the torch to another.…

The Ministry of Public Health is investigating the cases of “fictitious” doctors

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the scandal with the lists of fictitious doctors receiving salaries and a risk premium is spraying the Ministry of Public Health. The latter launched at the beginning of the week a solemn appeal to condemn those who wrongfully receive wages and risk premiums. Nearly 500 names have already been discovered and published in the capital, but the issue is still…

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