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Erdogan guarantees EUR 2.5 billion in investments

Abiy Ahmed visited Ankara on Wednesday, August 19, where he met his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan. A visit organized on the 125th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The program of the meeting included military relations around the Tigrayan conflict but also obstacles to rebirth, economic…

Turkey requires peaceable settlement of Tigray battle

Turkey calls for peaceful settlement of Tigray conflict ANKARA, Turkey - The Turkish government has called for a peaceful resolution of the Tigray conflict, which is now spreading to other parts of Ethiopia, a big setback for ongoing efforts to stabilize the Horn of Africa nation. During the past nine months, the Tigray Defense Forces and the Ethiopian National Defense Forces , fought for…

Muxuu Erdogan xiriir u la yeelan waayey?

Hogaamiyaha Turkiga Recep Tayyip Erdogan ayaa sheegay in Turkiga uu jeclaan lahaa inuu xiriir wanaagsan la yeesho Israel, laakiin wuxuu dhaliilay siyaasada Israel ee ku wajahan Falastiin. "Lama aqbali karo" iyo "Khad cas" oo ay leedahay Ankara. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Erdogan ayaa sheegay in wadahadaladii sirdoonka ee labada dhinac ay dib u bilowdeen. Labada dal ayaa sanadihii la soo dhaafay waxaa ka dhaxeeyay khilaaf, inkasta oo uu ka dhaxeeyo xiriir ganacsi oo xoogan. Ankara ayaa si isdaba joog ah u cambaareysay…

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