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Cotton in South Africa is no longer popular

Between the 2018-2019 season and today, the cultivated areas have 10,000 hectares. South Africa is a very small producer country on an African and even regional scale, behind Zimbabwe and Zambia. So if its surface area thereby decreases, what future for the sector? From our correspondent in Johannesburg,The harvest is taking…

New Ivorian cotton has arrived

New Ivorian cotton has arrived. Two new cotton varieties have been developed to enhance cotton grown in Ivory Coast, a cotton that has fallen outside the standards in recent years. They are called CI 123 and CI 128 and carry all the hopes of the Ivorian cotton sector. These code names are those of two varieties developed by the National Center for Agricultural Research, and in recent years, researchers have been called to the rescue to correct a crop that has been avoided by some buyers. It was the association of cotton…

A catastrophic cotton campaign in Mali

Cotton production is in free fall in Mali. The former African fiber champion is expected to harvest a quarter of what he produced last year. The poor textile economy associated with Covid-19 is not the only reason. It will be one of the worst cotton crops in Mali's history. Less than 80,000 tons of fiber compared to nearly…

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