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Irish Prime Minister to Convene with Team Ireland in Paris Before the Olympic Games

Taoiseach Simon Harris on Official Visit to Paris for Olympic Games This morning, Taoiseach Simon Harris sets off for Paris, embarking on a series of engagements tied to the Olympics. His itinerary includes meeting Team Ireland players at the Olympic Village and attending a summit with global leaders at the historic Louvre. With 133 Irish athletes in the mix this year, the games foresee around 25,000 cheering fans from Ireland. In anticipation of his visit, Harris expressed his intention to "thank the families and…

Republicans Swift to Praise Trump Following Shooting Convene for Assembly

Republican Convention in Milwaukee Energized by Recent Assassination Attempt on Trump Milwaukee is bustling with tens of thousands of GOP supporters attending the landmark Republican Party convention, amped up by the recent attempt on former President Trump's life. The nation is still reeling from the sight of a bloodstained Donald Trump, fist thrust towards the sky, draped in an American flag backdrop, bellowing "Fight!" as Secret Service agents whisked him away to safety. Despite this turmoil, Trump is poised to be named…

Biden warns of the issue in Somalia when leaders convene a gathering

Biden warns of the situation in Somalia when leaders convene a meeting WASHINGTON, USA - US President Joe Biden has written to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate President about the current situation in Somalia, a country that has struggled with insecurity for the past three decades following the fall of Siad Barre. The United States is one of the international partners that has…

Libyan deputies promise to end divisions, convene soon-to-be-elected parliament

More than 120 Libyan deputies vowed in Morocco on Saturday to "lift the divisions" that undermine their country, and begin by convening the elected parliament as soon as they return home. At the end of five days of talks in Tangier, Morocco, 123 of its 180 members promised to put an end to "hate speech" and "divisions" that undermine Libyan institutions. They promised to hold "parliamentary elections and to complete the transition as soon as possible" and that all members of the House of…

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