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Turkey Takes Initiative to Construct Embassy for Somalia in Ankara

Turkey is planning to construct Somalia's embassy in Ankara, with a price tag of $6 million. This agreement was reached in 2022 and highlights the strong relationship between the two nations. In 2015, Somalia generously donated a plot of land to Turkey, resulting in the construction of Turkey's largest diplomatic mission worldwide in Mogadishu. In return, Somalia will receive land in Ankara's Incek diplomatic site. After completion, Somalia will have the option to sell the land and building in the future. This move has…

Turkey Plans to Construct $6 Million State-of-the-Art Somali Embassy in Ankara

Turkish media slam the government's project, but reports reveal Somalia donated more land in 2015 than Turkey plans to give now. Turkey will build an embassy and provide land to Somalia costing over $6m, as per a deal presented to the Turkish parliament on Monday. The agreement, signed in 2022, states that Turkey will make this contribution in exchange for land donated by Somalia in 2015. The largest Turkish diplomatic mission in the world, built in Mogadishu, cost $65m and covered more than 61,000 sqm. In return, Somalia…

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