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Brazil Chosen as Host Country for 2027 Women’s World Cup

Following the withdrawal of the United States and Mexico's co-host bid, Brazil has been chosen to host the upcoming Women's World Cup event. The United States and Mexico were originally favored to host the FIFA tournament but withdrew their offer in April. As a result, Brazil will be the host of the 2027 Women's World Cup, beating out a joint bid from Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany. South Africa also pulled their bid in November of the previous year. This left Brazil and the European collaborative bid as the only…

an Australian company chosen to lead

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the extension of the Grand Inga Dam in the Goma region could finally see the light of day. On Sunday the 14th, President Félix Tsishekedi took the floor to announce the name of the partner chosen for this project, estimated at 80 billion dollars (US). This is the Australian mining magnate Andrew Forrest, who after making his fortune mining iron ore wants to become a…

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