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Central African Republic

the electoral authority happy with

In the Central African Republic, Sunday's legislative elections took place peacefully. There was no major security issue that many feared. Of the 118 constituencies called to vote in the second round or in the partial one - which were prevented from voting on December 27 - 112 were able to vote correctly. as reported from…

a primary testimony towards Yekatom’s militia

This is the first testimony heard in the open trial in mid-February against Patrice Edouard Ngaïssona and Alfred Yekatom of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The two Central Africans are being prosecuted for crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in 2013 and 2014. Prosecutors have called for a victim of the December 5, 2013 attack in Bangui.…

Disaster and sky-high commodity costs

In the Central African Republic, the closure of the capital's main supply corridor has significant consequences for households. The prices of imported products have risen a lot and some traders sometimes take advantage of this to make even more margins. A price variation closely followed by the Central African Institute for Statistics and Economic and Social Studies - ICASEES - supported by the World…

voting course of with out main incidents

In the Central African Republic, a fraction of voters have been called to the polls since Sunday morning, March 14, for the second round of legislative elections. We also vote in constituencies where the first ballot on 27 December was canceled or prevented for security reasons. At noon on Sunday, no major incidents were reported, although Minusca confirms that the vote was blocked in some areas of the…

The Central African Republic is voting below strain

The Central African Republic voted in heavily guarded polling stations in the second round of parliamentary elections on Sunday after rebel violence misunderstood December's votes. Voting began smoothly with only minor delays over the capital Bangui, the electoral body said. Small rows of residents could be seen waiting to vote when a large number of police and gendarmerie stood by. "Things are going well in Bangui so far," The National Election Authority spokesman Theophile Momokoama said by…

regulatory within the context of safety

Nearly 1.8 million Central Africans are urged to elect their deputies. An important voting day, as the first round on 27 December was chaotic. If he allowed re-election of the president in the first round, 56 constituencies out of 140 could not vote due to uncertainty ... A total of 118 constituencies will vote on Sunday. as…

home stretch and observer training

In the Central African Republic, 118 constituencies are called to vote in the legislative elections on Sunday 14 March. This is the second round for 49 constituencies. The 69 other constituencies will vote again because they were prevented or the vote was canceled during the first round on 27 December. It is therefore the last straight line before this important election. The observers of the…

an increase in the number of Minusca

This is an extraordinary increase in the maximum strength of the UN peacekeeping force in the Republic of Central Africa. The Security Council agreed to increase Minusca by 2,750 troops and 940 police officers. It was a request from the UN Secretary-General and the leader of Minusca after a hardening of attacks since the end of 2020.…

the government and ANE want to be reassuring

118 constituencies are called to vote in the by-elections on Sunday, March 14th. Second round for 49 constituencies, while 69 will vote again because they were prevented or the vote canceled during the 1st round on 27 December. In fact, the armed groups that controlled the two-thirds of the country had severely disrupted the vote by intimidation, ransacked polling stations, burned polls. This time,…

Russia’s Wagner group’s presence in Africa continues

The Russian security company Wagner Group is known for its heavy presence in war-torn Libya and is reportedly expanding across the African continent, interfering in conflicts and working for the Kremlin's interests. The Wagner Group was formed in 2014 in Ukraine and is owned by businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, and is intensely involved in several conflicts, not only in Ukraine but also around the world, from the Middle East to Latin America. However, the group's most famous presence has taken place in…

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