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Budding Interpol Leader Forewarns of Hybrid Terrorism and Criminal Activity

A contender from Britain eyeing the top spot at Interpol has drawn attention to the blending of terrorism and criminality, as extremists resort to underworld strategies to generate funds. Speaking to an audience that included Middle East diplomats in London, Stephen Kavanagh expressed concerns that terrorists are utilizing encryption and corruption to support their activities in a "new era" of transnational crime. Kavanagh highlighted that Al Shabaab militants in Somalia rake in approximately $100 million annually through…

Uncover Anquam Mahamoud, the aspiring legislative candidate prioritizing healthcare access

A vibrant battle for the DFL endorsement played out in south Minneapolis for an open state House seat, with Anquam Mahamoud securing the party's backing.This opportunity arose when DFL Representative Hodan Hassan opted not to run again after three terms.Anquam, 35, serves as the chief operating officer of Twin Cities Health Services, a facility that offers substance abuse treatment and mental health care in Minneapolis. While she is relatively new to the political arena, Anquam has gathered a substantial number of…

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