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Al-Shabaab suffers worst defeat as Somali military retakes key areas

Al-Shabaab suffers worst defeat as Somali military retakes key areas MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia-based al-Shabaab militants suffered heavy casualties in central Somalia's Mudug area on Tuesday, state media reported in the most recent crackdown on the militants, who nonetheless management a number of villages in Somalia. nation. According to state media, not less than 90 al-Shabaab terrorists…

The AU reaches an agreement with FGS on the future of the AMISON in Somalia

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - Just over four months before theend of the mandate of the troops in the nation of Somalia, the African Union reached an agreement with the Federal Government of Somalia on the future of the armed forces of the African Union Mission in Somalia's Horn of Africa. A resolution adopted in June agreed that AMISOM troops would remain in Somalia until December 2021 and then leave for their respective countries, but Somalia opposed the measure due to the threat posedbyAl-Shabaab in the country. and FGS…

UPDF general behind Al-Shabaab’ fall in capital of Somalia dies in African nation

KAMPALA, Uganda - One of the soldiers of the Ugandan People's Defense Forces behind the imminent collapse of AlShabaab in Mogadishu died in Uganda, the African Union Mission in Somalia acknowledged when itpaid tribute to the result of his service. Major General Paul Lokech died in Kampala on Saturday after battling the disease for several months. In a statement, the AMISOM team responsible for peace and stability in Somalia praised the officer for his "lasting legacy". during his stay in Somalia, where he effectively…

AMISOM recognizes that UPDF killed are not members of Al-Shabaab

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The African Union Mission in Somalia reaffirmed the need for immediate action following the seven deaths in Galweyn, Lower Shabelle, when the Ugandan army was accused of killing civilians. Last week, AMISOM announced that the Uganda People's Defense Forces were targeting al-Shabaab fighters, who had ambushed them during routine operations in the area. However, a number of witnesses and government officials dispute this claim. But in a statement released on Saturday, AMISOM said a preliminary…

The Battle for Somalia in 2020

2020 started with AS's defensive and ended with the recovery of the Group's activities, especially in urban areas; Attacks on its main gates to the capital halted its operations in Mogadishu in the first and second quarters and saw a marked decline. in the capital until the third quarter, in the last quarter of the year, after adapting to the situation, it intensified its attacks and positioned itself better at the end of the year. The most active anti-AS force while AMISOM was the least active attacker despite being…

AU troops kill civilians after al-Shabaab ambush, Somalis say

AU troops kill civilians after Al-Shabaab ambush, Somali governor says MOGADISHU, Somalia - Senior Somali official insists African Union mission forces killed civilians last week, claiming the incident occurred after troops were ambushed by Al-Shabaab militants in the south of the country. Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur, governor of the troubled Lower Shabelle region, said he made a confirmation after…

SNA troops kill 250 Al-Shabaabs in Somalia in offensive

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali national army soldiers have killed more than 279 al-Shabaab militants across the country in the past month, adding even more hope to the war against the militants, which has wreaked havoc across the country. State media and a senior military official confirmed the successes on Monday, amid ongoing operations in most parts of the Horn of Africa country as senatorial elections began. Al-Shabaab has been fighting to overthrow the fragile UN-backed Somali administration for more than a decade…

KDF chief: We will not be leaving Somalia at any point in the near future

NAIROBI, Kenya - Kenya Defense Forces will remain in Somalia for some time, the senior authority said, precluding the chance of going out toward the year's end as arranged by the African Association mission in Somalia. As a component of the Somali change plan , it is normal that all soldiers serving under AMISOM will leave before the finish of 2021, after which they will give up security obligations to the Somali Public Armed force. . Be that as it may, in a meeting with Kenyan state telecaster KBC, Guard Power…

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