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Germany: Demonstration Against Abiy Ahmed’s Drone Attacks and Amhara Killings

In the heart of Frankfurt, a sea of placards emerged, screaming messages in both German and English. A particularly poignant one pleaded, “Stop Amhara Genocide!” Meanwhile, similar scenes unfurled across the Atlantic, where protests percolated through the streets of North America. Calgary, ordinarily a bastion of calm, was overtaken by thousands rallying against the carnage in Ethiopia's Amhara region. A cacophony of voices pierced the air in Washington, D.C., while Seattle echoed with demands for peace. The sheer scale…

ENDF airstrike in Tigray condemned as Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s file is

NAIROBI, Kenya - Tuesday's airstrike within the Tigray area continues to entice worldwide condemnation with the dying toll now reaching 80, in one in every of the newest massacres towards harmless civilians, who've been focused by the Ethiopian navy. Ethiopian Nationwide Protection Forces continues the Standard Entrance for the Liberation of Tigray fighters, who opposed Abiy Ahmed's authorities, which took over as prime minister in 2018, however has struggled to impose its authority within the nation. The European…

Exposed: Abiy Ahmed’s plot to “eliminate” the Tigrayans

NAIROBI, Kenya - The conflict in the Tigray region may have been planned by the Addis Ababa authorities, a senior Finnish official said, long before the Ethiopian National Defense Forces even. were deployed to the area after the attack on the Northern Command. For nearly eight months, the ENDF reinforced by Eritrean troops have descended on the Tigray region, triggering a humanitarian crisis that has drawn international attention. Thousands of Tigrayans are believed to have been killed in what some call genocide. But…

Ahmed’s government is chasing TPLF leaders after taking Mekele

The Ethiopian federal state claims to have won the victory against Tigray's dissident power. On Monday, November 30, the government defended its actions and the results of military operations after more than three weeks of conflict. But the leaders of the TPLF say the fight is not over. Addis Ababa also continues to search for the leaders of the Tigrayan party.…

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