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The commander of the Somali army in Addis Ababa talks with his colleague ENDF

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - General Odowaa Yusuf Rageh of the Somali National Army met Monday with his Ethiopian counterpart, General Birhanu Jula. This was the first major meeting of Rageh, who trained in Uganda, which he is hosting outside of Somalia. Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, is also struggling with internal political conflicts. Reports from Ethiopia say the parties have discussed how Somalia will strengthen its defense forces, which have been recovering for more than three decades. Barre was overthrown. In…

Report: Tigrayans forcibly disappeared in Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa

NAIROBI, Kenya - Human Rights Watch report suggests Ethiopian authorities arbitrarily detained, forcibly disappeared, and committed other abuses against Tigrayans in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, in what now Tigray Defense Forces confirms allegations of mass killings in the Tigray region. HRW now wants the Ethiopian authorities to immediately report on the enforced disappearance of the Tigrayans, release those detained without credible evidence of a crime, and end all discriminatory treatment. On June 28, after…

a gathering in Addis Ababa to rent

Large patriotic meeting on Tuesday 27 July 2021 in the morning in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. City Hall called on young people to mobilize to fight the Tigrayan rebels in the north of the country. In fact, the war that has been going on in Tigray for almost nine months has recently spread to neighboring regions and destroyed the impact of the national army. The Ethiopian government is now being…

WFP plane carrying food lands in Tigray from Addis Ababa

Ethiopia- Addis Ababa- The World Food Program sent a humanitarian plane to war-torn Tigray, with the aim of helping thousands of people struggling with anger and femininity. The plane was the second to be shipped from Bole International Airport to Addis Ababa and hours later landed at Tigray's Alula Aba Nega International Airport in Mekelle today. Perhaps this puts an end to concerns about Ethiopia's commitment to allow aid teams to cross Tigray without restrictions. A few weeks ago, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed…

Ethiopia reinstates Addis Ababa Standard license

Ethiopia reinstates Addis Ababa Standard license ADDIS ABABA - Ethiopia's Federal Media Authority reinstated the publishing license of the Addis Ababa Standard, one of the online newspapers accused of working with "enemies" in order to "discredit" the sovereignty of the nation from the Horn of Africa. Last week, the Addis Ababa Standard disputed the allegations and pledged to "seek justice"…

Ethiopia withdraws Addis Ababa Commonplace license amid Tigray battle

NAIROBI, Kenya - Ethiopian authorities on Thursday withdrew Addis Ababa Standard's license, a move widely condemned as a strategy to gag independent media in the conflict-ridden Horn of Africa country. Ethiopia has been embroiled in a deadly internal war for eight months between the Ethiopian National Defense Forces and its partners against the Popular Front for the Liberation of Tigray otherwise known as the Tigray Defense Forces . Earlier this week, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed indicated the possibility of suspending…

Addis Ababa minimizes progress from

First response from the Ethiopian government after Tigray's Defense Forces (TDF) takeover of Tigray. In Addis Ababa, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and his government are minimizing losses. According to him, his troops left Tigray of their own free will and to look at new priorities. as reported from Addis Ababa,Noé Rochet-BodinThe…

Addis Ababa rejects UN warnings

Famine in the warring region of Tigray is spreading to other Ethiopian provinces, the UN Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs warned on Tuesday at a closed door in the Security Council. Famine is now threatening nearly 2.5 million Ethiopians, according to Mark Lowcock. Warnings rejected and condemned by the Ethiopian ambassador to the UN.…

Djibouti assures Addis Ababa of its help regardless of disputes

As preventing continues in Ethiopia, the area is carefully following the battle. Specifically, neighboring international locations, corresponding to Djibouti, which has a border with Ethiopia. Yesterday, Tuesday, Gedu Angardachew, Safety Adviser to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, was obtained by Djibouti President Ismaël Omar Guelleh to debate the difficulty of Tigray. Djibouti who help the…

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