the security situation in Congo Central worries the government

The national government is concerned about the security situation in Congo Central Province. The Head of State instructed the Deputy Prime Minister with responsibility for the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defense to resolve this issue.

as reported from Kinshasa,

The Council of Ministers considered the report by the Governor of Congo Central. According to this report, the insufficient number of police officers and elements as well as the lack of adequate oversight of recruits in military training in the center of Kitona are the reason for this situation of uncertainty, which is particularly prevalent. in the coastal town of Moanda.

Most of the victims are women, civil society officials said. For activist Gelson Sisi Vimbi, several clues found at the crime scene involve the military. On two recent occasions, a uniformed man’s headgear has been found near a woman’s lifeless body.

Civil society has repeatedly called on the military authorities to ban the military from throwing themselves into the fields where women work. In August alone, more than a dozen cases of burglary and armed robbery were condemned by the same civil society.

Last year, the residents demanded the resignation of the administrator of the territory after the murder of a baker in Ghétou. The security situation has been worrying in Moanda for many years. In 2015, a wave of murders was recorded in the city.


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